Al-Mu’min (The Giver of Belief/Security)
On top of the mountains, there is a rising sun of hope and relief that dispels darkness and grief.
Open your eyes and raise your hands in supplication to your Lord. Do not let grief or despair get the better of you. There is a Lord Who gives you safety and security. He is Allah, the Giver of Belief.
Fish, birds, and wild beasts all hope for safety and security from Allah Almighty, Al-Mu’min.
So, turn to the Giver of Belief and complain to Him, and relief will soon come to you from Him. His acts of kindness and relief do occur at every moment.
“Al-Mu’min” is one of the names of Allah Almighty, Who says:{He is Allah, there is no god except Him, the King, the Most Holy, the Source of Peace, the Giver of Belief (Security)…}[Surat al-Hashr: 23]
The name “Al-Mu’min” occurs once in the Qur’an, in the sense of security and safety to those in fear and distress.
Let us pause here with this great name:
Scholars said that “Al-Mu’min” has two meanings:
The first meaning is belief. Indeed, the greatest belief since the beginning of the creation till the Day of Judgment is Allah’s belief in Himself and His confirmation of Himself as the One and Only God, in addition to the other perfect names and sublime attributes that He ascribed to Himself. In the Qur’an, Allah Almighty says about Himself:{Allah bears witness that there is no god except Him…}[Surat Āl-‘Imrān: 18]This is the most sublime testimony that came out from the Almighty King, the Lord of the worlds, in relation to the greatest thing to testify about, namely belief in the Oneness of Allah and devoting religion sincerely to Him.
I bear witness that there is no god other than Allah. He is the Most Generous, the Most Merciful, upon Whom people pin their hopes.
He is the One Whose words and promises are true.{…And who is more truthful than Allah in statement.}[Surat an-Nisā’: 122]
Allah Almighty confirmed the truthfulness of His prophets through clear signs and miracles that happened at their hands:
{…Indeed, I have come to you with a sign from your Lord…}
[Surat Āl-‘Imrān: 49]
{And we have brought you the truth, and certainly we tell the truth.}
[Surat al-Hijr: 64]
Also, Allah Almighty fulfills His promise to His servants about victory and empowerment on earth and the reward in the Hereafter. He says:{Then, We fulfilled to them the promise. So, We saved them and those whom We willed, but We destroyed the transgressors.}[Surat al-Anbiyā’: 9]He also fulfills His promise to the disbelievers about the punishment and humiliation in this world and in the Hereafter. He says:{And the people of Paradise will call out to the people of the Fire: “We have surely found what our Lord promised us to be true. Have you found what your Lord promised to be true?” They will say: “Yes.” Then, an announcer will announce between them: “The curse of Allah shall be upon the wrongdoers.”}[Surat al-A‘rāf: 44]
All the speech, promises, and information given by Allah Almighty are true.
I place all my trust in the Almighty Lord and do not knock on a door but His door.
Allah Almighty loves those who keep their promises and speak the truth.{O you who believe, fear Allah and be with the truthful.}[Surat at-Tawbah: 119]The second meaning of “Al-Mu’min” is the Giver of Security.{And He gives them security against fear.}[Surat Quraysh: 4]
People experience fear from many things. They fear illness, lack of medicine, dominance of the enemy, poverty, and death. They always look for security in securing enough food, establishing castles and fortresses, and building hospitals and dams. Moreover, the weak, individuals or countries, resort to the strong for protection and security.
Yet, these powers may collapse in seconds and the protection goes away. In such a state, they can only resort to the Almighty Lord, the Giver of Security. They turn away from Him and then come back to Him. He is their Creator and the Creator of the whole universe, Who dominates everything and controls the entire creation.
So, if the punishment of Allah Almighty befalls some people, none can secure them or defend them against the Creator.{Do you feel secure that He who [holds authority] in the heaven would not cause the earth to swallow you and suddenly it would sway?Or do you feel secure that He who [holds authority] in the heaven would not send against you a storm of stones? Then you would know how [severe] was My warning.}[Surat al-Mulk: 16-17]
Three aspects:
People look for three aspects of security, all of which lie in the Hand of the Giver of Security, Exalted be He, Who has power over all things and Who grants it only to His pious servants.
First: Worldly security of all types,
{And if only the people of the cities had believed and feared Allah, We would have opened upon them blessings from the heaven and the earth…}
[Surat al-A‘rāf: 96]
Second: Security needed at the time of death, as the angel of death descends, and in the grave upon seeing the two angels.
Here comes security and glad tidings for the believers:{Indeed, those who have said, “Our Lord is Allah” and then remained on a right course – the angels will descend upon them, [saying]: “Do not fear and do not grieve but receive good tidings of Paradise, which you were promised.”}[Surat Fussilat: 30]Third: Security needed in the Hereafter at the time of the greatest panic. The greatest security will be afforded to the pious as Allah Almighty says:{They will not be grieved by the greatest terror, and the angels will meet them [saying]: “This is your Day which you have been promised”}[Surat al-Anbiyā’: 103]Security is only given to the monotheists:{Whoever brings a good deed will have better than its worth; and they will be safe from the terror on that Day.}[Surat al-Naml: 89]The greater your faith is, the greater your security will be as Allah Almighty says:{They who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice – those will have security, and they are [rightly] guided.}[Surat al-An‘ām: 82]
Your share in this name..
One of the benefits of this great name for the believers is learning that it is Allah Almighty Who secures them at the times of crises, hardships, and disasters; and learning that a person reaps what he sows, hence, they keep people secure from their own evil and harm in pursuit of security from their Lord and for fear of being deprived of this security on the Day of Judgment.
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is authentically reported to have said:“Shall I inform you of the believer? He is the one from whom people are secure concerning their properties and lives; and the Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand people are safe.”[Narrated by Ahmad in Al-Musnad; Sahīh (authentic)]
O Allah, make us secure in our homes. O Allah, remove our fears, give us our books in the right hand, and make the reckoning easy for us.