Al-Jamīl (The Beautiful)
Sohaib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:“When the dwellers of Paradise enter Paradise, Allah Almighty will ask: ‘Do you want Me to give you anything more?’ They will say: ‘Have You not brightened our faces? Have You not made us enter Paradise and saved us from Hellfire?’ He will then lift the veil, and of all the things they were given, nothing will be dearer to them than looking at their Lord.” [Narrated by Muslim]
“When the dwellers of Paradise enter Paradise, Allah Almighty will ask: ‘Do you want Me to give you anything more?’ They will say: ‘Have You not brightened our faces? Have You not made us enter Paradise and saved us from Hellfire?’ He will then lift the veil, and of all the things they were given, nothing will be dearer to them than looking at their Lord.” [Narrated by Muslim]
Glory be to the One about Whose beauty minds get perplexed!
Glory be to the One about Whose greatness minds get boggled!
And glory be to the One Whose lights dazzle the minds!
Allah is Beautiful and He loves beauty. Rather, He is all beauty, and all beauty comes from Him. He acts beautifully and gives reward for beautiful acts.
He is the Beautiful indeed. How could He not be?!
The beauty of all creation
is only a trace of the Beautiful Lord,
Whose beauty is far greater
and too magnificent to be expressed in words!
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:“Indeed, Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty.” [Narrated by Muslim]Commenting on Ibn al-Qayyim’s Nūniyyah poem, Shaykh Al-Sa‘di (may Allah have mercy upon him) said:“The Beautiful is the One Who possesses the traits of beauty and excellence. He is Beautiful in His essence, names, attributes, and actions. No one can describe even part of His beauty. In spite of all the enduring bliss, pleasures, and inestimable joys in which they will live, when the dwellers of Paradise see their Lord and enjoy His beauty, they will forget the bliss they have been in and their previous joys will vanish, and they will wish that the current situation will endure so that His beauty and light will cover them and add to their beauty. Indeed, their hearts were in permanent longing for seeing their Lord, and on ‘the Day of Increase’, they will be joyful beyond measure.He is also Beautiful in His names. All of them are beautiful; rather, they are the best and most beautiful ever.{Allah has the Most Beautiful Names, so call upon Him by them…}[Surat al-A‘rāf:180]
“Indeed, Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty.” [Narrated by Muslim]
Commenting on Ibn al-Qayyim’s Nūniyyah poem, Shaykh Al-Sa‘di (may Allah have mercy upon him) said:
“The Beautiful is the One Who possesses the traits of beauty and excellence. He is Beautiful in His essence, names, attributes, and actions. No one can describe even part of His beauty. In spite of all the enduring bliss, pleasures, and inestimable joys in which they will live, when the dwellers of Paradise see their Lord and enjoy His beauty, they will forget the bliss they have been in and their previous joys will vanish, and they will wish that the current situation will endure so that His beauty and light will cover them and add to their beauty. Indeed, their hearts were in permanent longing for seeing their Lord, and on ‘the Day of Increase’, they will be joyful beyond measure.
He is also Beautiful in His names. All of them are beautiful; rather, they are the best and most beautiful ever.
{Allah has the Most Beautiful Names, so call upon Him by them…}
[Surat al-A‘rāf:180]
They all point to the supreme praise, glory, and perfection. None of His names has partial perfection – it is complete perfection.
And He is Beautiful in His attributes, all of which comprise perfection, commendation, and praise.
Moreover, His actions are all beautiful. They are acts of kindness and benevolence for which He is worthy of praise and gratitude.”
If the trees were pens, the seas were ink, and the heavens were tablets, and all creatures kept praising Allah and writing down their praise of His beauty, they would fall short in giving Him His due and fail to show proper gratitude to Him.
Minds do not encompass His beauty, nor do eyes grasp it. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:“I cannot enumerate praise of You. You are as You have praised Yourself.”[Narrated by Muslim]
“I cannot enumerate praise of You. You are as You have praised Yourself.”
[Narrated by Muslim]
The beauty of the worlds..
All that the world contains – the land, seas, plants, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the animals – points to the beauty of Allah Almighty. He is the giver of beauty, and the giver of beauty must be far more beautiful.{…So Blessed is Allah, the Best of the Creators.}[Surat al-Mu’minūn: 14]
{…So Blessed is Allah, the Best of the Creators.}
[Surat al-Mu’minūn: 14]
Only those whose hearts are illuminated by the light of faith could see this beauty, and they see beyond it the beauty, magnificence, and perfection of Allah.
Yet, if a person turns away from remembrance of Allah, denies His light, and revolts against His guidance, he will be deprived of seeing His magnificent beauty. This is because he has lost his insight and has become spiritually blind.
O you who complain while having no disease, what would you do then if you became sick?!
I wonder how you can see thorns in the flowers but fail to see above the dew the flowers. Indeed, he who has no beauty within his soul sees no beauty in the world around him.
Belief in this name increases a person in faith and longing to see the Beautiful Lord. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) used to supplicate saying:“Wa as’aluka ladhdhat an-nazhari ila wajhika wa ash-shawqa ila liqā’ika (And I ask You for the delight of looking at Your Face and the joy of meeting You).”[Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi; Sahīh (authentic)]Then, he becomes tranquil and content with whatever Allah predestined for him, for He only does what is wise and good for His believing servants. All His actions are beautiful, and beautiful actions only lead to what is beautiful. This is how we should trust our Lord. In a Qudsi Hadīth, Allah Almighty said:“I am as My servant thinks of Me. If he thinks well of Me, he gets it; and if he thinks ill of Me, he gets it.”[Narrated by Ahmad; Sahīh (authentic)]
“Wa as’aluka ladhdhat an-nazhari ila wajhika wa ash-shawqa ila liqā’ika (And I ask You for the delight of looking at Your Face and the joy of meeting You).”
[Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi; Sahīh (authentic)]
Then, he becomes tranquil and content with whatever Allah predestined for him, for He only does what is wise and good for His believing servants. All His actions are beautiful, and beautiful actions only lead to what is beautiful. This is how we should trust our Lord. In a Qudsi Hadīth, Allah Almighty said:
“I am as My servant thinks of Me. If he thinks well of Me, he gets it; and if he thinks ill of Me, he gets it.”
[Narrated by Ahmad; Sahīh (authentic)]
I supplicate Allah and trust Him as much as if
I see what He will do.
Do not be ungrateful!
The believer is beautiful, inwardly and outwardly, as he seeks closeness to Allah through his beauty. Also, Allah Almighty loves beautiful words, manners, and deeds, as He loves His servants to beautify their tongues with truthfulness, their hearts with sincerity, repentance, and reliance upon Him, their body organs with obedience and worship, and to beautify their bodies by showing Allah’s favors upon them in terms of fine clothing and cleanliness and purification.
The believer knows his Lord through His beauty and worships Him according to the magnificence existing in His Shariah and religion.
When the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said to his Companions:“Anyone who has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his heart will not enter Paradise.”A man said: “One likes his clothes to be fine and his shoes to be fine.”Thereupon, he (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:“Indeed, Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty. Arrogance is to reject the truth and despise people.”[Narrated by Muslim]
“Anyone who has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his heart will not enter Paradise.”
A man said: “One likes his clothes to be fine and his shoes to be fine.”
Thereupon, he (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:
“Indeed, Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty. Arrogance is to reject the truth and despise people.”
[Narrated by Muslim]
O Allah, endow us with beauty in this world and in the Hereafter, give us inward and outward beauty, and make our words and deeds beautiful, O Lord of the worlds!